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    2025德国杜塞尔多夫橡塑展览会K SHOW
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  • 今天是2024年4月19日 星期五 这里是广州火锅食材用品展览会预告,由系统自动更新仅供参考。展阅在线提醒您:因办展存在不可控性导致展会延期无法及时获取更新,参观参展前请务必联系客服/主办方核实确认。展阅在线祝您参展愉快!



    1. 火锅牛羊肉:(肥牛、金钱牛展、鲜滑牛肉、清汤腩、羊仔肉、羊肉卷、有料牛肉卷、牛百叶等)
    2. 火锅冻品食材:(水产鱼虾、水果蔬菜、乳制品、肉禽蛋类、丸滑制品、水饺汤圆、米面制品等)
    3. 火锅丸滑制品:(芝士鸡肉丸、鹅肝丸、麻辣鲜牛丸、水晶虾丸、墨鱼滑、虾滑鱼滑、鲮鱼滑、手打鲜鱼丸、手打鲜鸡丸、潮州鱼旦、粗牛根丸等)
    4. 火锅海鲜食材:(龙虾仔、向螺片、蟹脚、生蚝、生海虾、大生鱼片、鲜鱿鱼、鲩鱼腩、大花蟹、鲍鱼、养颜花胶、鲜贝、水发海参等)
    5. 火锅底料调味料:(火锅底料、蘸料、豆瓣酱、骨汤清汤、油脂麻酱、辣椒油、花椒油、沙茶酱、日本味盐、鱼生酱油等)
    6. 火锅特色食材涮品:(牛羊肉、毛肚、百叶、黄喉、鸭鹅肠、鸭血鸭掌、粉丝粉条、时令蔬菜、丸子、虾滑鱼滑、火锅面、豆制品等)
    8. 火锅调理类食材:(冷冻禽肉类调理制品、速冻米面制品、裹面制品、鱼糜制品、菜肴制品、烧烤制品、果蔬制品、火锅汤料制品、汤羹制品等)
    9. 火锅餐具与设备用品:(洗碗机、调汤机、火锅桌椅、电磁炉、餐厨垃圾处理设备、牛羊肉切片机、绞肉机、包装设备、速冻设备、保鲜柜等火锅配套设备)
    10. 火锅酒水饮品:(酒精类饮品(白酒、黄酒、啤酒等)、果汁果酱、茶饮、咖啡、碳酸饮料、奶茶、现调饮品、甜品及速溶饮品等)
    11. 火锅主食食材:(手工乌冬面、荞麦面、方便面、米粉、水饺、米饭、各种炒饭等)
    12. 火锅休闲小吃食品:(香辣小鱼皮、小麻花、年糕、薯条、红糖糍粑、糯米锅巴、麻辣豆皮等)
    13. 火锅店面装修设计:(地板瓷砖、墙面涂料、厨房给排水系统、通风管道、吊顶灯饰、室内设计等)
    14. 火锅软装与家具:(火锅专用器皿、厨房设备不锈钢厨具、火锅桌椅、酱料台、备餐柜、卡座沙发、灯具等)
    15. 火锅信息化软件:(人力管家、智能排班软件、移动点菜系统、收银管理系统、库存管理系统、智能订餐等)
    16. 火锅配套定制服务:(火锅店装修服务、收银终端、送菜机器人、智能配菜机器人、服饰工装等)
    17. 火锅外卖餐具及用品类:(外卖包装袋、包装盒、打包盒、饮品瓶子等)

    Guangzhou hot pot ingredients supplies exhibition once a year, due to the uncontrollable nature of the exhibition, may appear theme changes, extensions or cancellations, before the exhibition visit please contact the organizers to verify! Follow the exhibition number to learn about the exhibition.
    The conference will invite the heads of 500 brand hot pot chains to attend the largest hot pot festival of the year. During the conference, the organizing committee will conduct tasting docking activities between brand suppliers and well-known hot pot enterprises by holding an exhibition of products for the supply and demand of hot pot. Previous exhibitions of hot pot ingredients are held in conjunction with the relevant hot pot conference, and become an important constituent activity of the General Assembly, nearly 1000 delegates to come up with a special time to focus on the exhibition, to achieve seamless docking between supply and demand. According to beef and mutton, seafood and specialty ingredients, condiments drinks, equipment and supplies in several categories of sub-sectors will invite the country's outstanding suppliers.
    The range of exhibits
    1. Hot pot beef and mutton: (fat cow, money cattle show, fresh slippery beef, soup, lamb meat, lamb roll, beef roll, beef leaf, etc.)
    2. Hot pot frozen ingredients: (fish and shrimp, fruits and vegetables, dairy products, meat and poultry eggs, pills, dumpling soup round, rice noodles, etc.)
    3. Hot pot pills: (cheese chicken balls, foie gras balls, spicy fresh cow balls, crystal shrimp balls, cuttlefish slips, shrimp slips, mackerel slips, hand fresh fishballs, hand fresh chicken balls, Chaozhou fish dan, coarse cow root balls, etc.)
    4. Hot pot seafood ingredients: (lobster, snails, crab feet, oysters, raw sea shrimp, large sashimi, fresh squid, 鲩 fish, big flower crab, abalone, flower gum, fresh shellfish, hydro-haired sea cucumber, etc.)
    5. Hot pot base seasonings: (hot pot base, sauce, bean paste, bone soup soup, fat sauce, chili oil, pepper oil, sand tea sauce, Japanese flavored salt, fish sauce, etc.)
    6. Hot pot special ingredients: (beef and mutton, belly, leaves, yellow throat, duck goose intestines, duck blood duck palms, fan powder, seasonal vegetables, pills, shrimp fish slip, hot pot noodles, soy products, etc.)
    7. Hot pot mushroom ingredients: (golden needle mushrooms, fresh mushrooms, crab flavor / white mushrooms, seafood mushrooms, white mushrooms, black wood ears, apricot mushrooms, mushrooms, tea tree mushrooms, silver ears, jade ears, double spore mushrooms, bovine liver bacteria, dance hair (grey tree flowers), hydrangea, deer mushrooms, bamboo, etc.)
    8. Hot pot conditioning ingredients: (frozen poultry meat conditioning products, frozen rice noodles, wrapped noodles, fish products, dish products, barbecue products, fruit and vegetable products, hot pot soup products, soup products, etc.)
    9. Hot pot tableware and equipment supplies: (dishwasher, soup adjuster, hot pot table and chair, induction cook, kitchen waste disposal equipment, beef and mutton slicer, meat grinder, packaging equipment, frozen equipment, preservation cabinets and other hot pot supporting equipment)
    10. Hot pot drinks: (alcoholic drinks (white wine, yellow wine, beer, etc.), fruit juice jam, tea, coffee, carbonated drinks, milk tea, fresh drinks, desserts and instant drinks, etc.)
    11. Hot pot staple ingredients: (handmade udon noodles, buckwheat noodles, instant noodles, rice flour, dumplings, rice, all kinds of fried rice, etc.)
    12. Hot pot casual snacks: (spicy small fish skins, hemp flowers, new year cakes, Fries, brown sugar, rice pot, spicy bean skin, etc.)
    13. Hot pot store decoration design: (floor tiles, wall paint, kitchen water supply and drainage system, ventilation ducts, ceiling lighting, interior design, etc.)
    14. Hot pot soft furnishings and furniture: (hot pot special utensils, kitchen equipment stainless steel kitchenware, hot pot tables and chairs, sauce table, cupboards, card seat sofas, lamps, etc.)
    15. Hot pot information software: (human butler, intelligent scheduling software, mobile a la carte system, cash register management system, inventory management system, intelligent ordering, etc.)
    16. Hot pot supporting customized services: (hot pot shop decoration services, cash register terminals, delivery robots, intelligent side dishes robots, clothing, etc.)
    17. Hot pot takeaway tableware and supplies: (takeaway bags, boxes, boxes, drink bottles, etc.)

    信息来源:会展号 EXPO号  会员:
    信息标签: 广州火锅食材展  
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